Thursday, December 3, 2009

new print - the letter m

Hey, I finished m and e, Mushrooms and elk. Mushrooms were tricky because there are so many and they are amazing. I ended up choosing a lovely gnarled winter chantrelle for the print. You could describe about any flora or fauna in this world as amazing, even if you just learn a little bit about it. There are so many ferns and fishes, organisms of every size and shape. This phonetic alphabet project has been really fun in the sense that I end up learning about so many aspects of the natural world that I normally wouldn't think about. It's like being in kindergarten and suddenly noticing all sorts of phenomena that were there all along only I didn't notice.
I have been feeling a little overwhelmed too. I am going to put the whole damn alphabet on the wall at the lovely Ristretto Roasters across the way on Williams in January - and I still have way too many letters to go. I just finished drawing a deer, a goat and a jellyfish, so I'm feeling slightly more optimistic...but still I have a lot to do. As such, I had best get back to my pens, dear reader. Still I wish you well and that the sun is shining where you are, just like it has been here, quite unexpectedly for December.